We claim to be Spiritual and to love The Almighty and to strive to obey his Will yet look at the songs we listen to.
The same mouth we use to glorify Him we use it to sing skelewu and the likes. On our playlist one minute we are listening to Don Moen and next minute its Dorobucci. Who are we fooling. We need to have a rethink, you can't be on the fence its either you serve The Lord fully or you serve the devil. Don't get me wrong am not saying those who sing or listen to circular songs serve the devil, but ask yourself this simple question "What value do these circular songs add to my life?". I have done that and found no benefit whatsoever, these songs give no upliftment. I am not saying am perfect but what i do know is that i strive very hard to do what is right. I always say metaphorically "any song that doesn't Glorify God is circular". Songs you know that The Almighty himself would not want you to sing, you go on singing them; if we are willing to serve The Almighty we should do it fully. Just like the Ten commandments, you can't obey nine and leave one out likewise you can't serve The Almighty and keep listening to circular songs they don't correlate. People might see this and say why is this person feeling like she's Holy or something but i'll say i feel like someone who sees what is write and does it and that involves obeying the will of the Almighty. We should have a rethink and make amends as soon as possible for who knows how much time we have left.
Written by a person whose sees the need for a change in the life of Christians.
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